> Does anyone have a copy of DOS-Plus for the TRS model 4 that they
> can send me? I picked up a 4 last weekend with no SW or docs and I
> already have DOS-Plus SW and manuals for the model 1. >
Does it even exist? I would assume the Model 3 version of DOS+ would boot
on the M4, but in 'model 3 mode' (64*16 display, 48K RAM, etc). But there
were frw, if any, M4-specific versions of the 'other' OSes (other than
TRS-DOS that is).
The normal OS for the M4 is TRS-DOS 6 / LDOS 6/ LS-DOS 6 (all really the
same thing). This OS will give you all the extra facilities of the M4.
You can download disk images from Tim Mann's site (or you used to be able
to), but getting them onto physical disks might be non-trivial for you.
I think the manuals are avaiable from the same site.
Received on Thu Feb 20 2003 - 14:57:00 GMT
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