Let the witch trials begin! Re: OT: Re: Going OT Re: (no subject)
Please, all... forgive me...
At 13:07 02/20/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Joe wrote:
>> Yikes! We're back in the 16th century![snip]
>> Joe
>Our news isn't controlled!
Maybe I wouldn't respond to this without a 6-pack within... but... Well...
it's not worth a response, even with a 6-pack... :-/
>This country was founded by Christians.
Founded? Stolen, more like. Yo, dude... head up north -- I'm guessing about
350 miles -- and meet some of the folks that this country was stolen *from*.
And yes, I am of both German and "American Indian/Aboriginal
North-American/folks that were here 40Kyears before the rest of y'all" [[
however you wanna put it...]] so I've learned to walk a mile in someone
else's moccasins...
-- Granted, they're frelling up their own nation[s] quite well, but I must
say that they had *good* teachers... :-/
> They may have had some odd customs, and they may have made some things
> "law" that were really tradition, but thats no reason to reject
> everything "religious", such as the principles that this nation was founded on.
You mean, citing war on others despite (or because of) the #1 commandment
of most [all?] Christian faiths: "Thou shalt not kill." Despite 2000 years
of trying, Christianity (in all it's flavors) is still not the dominant
faith of this planet... Any chance there's a reason for that?
So much for the witch trials... back to the Crusades!!!
>Chad Fernandez
>Michigan, USA [1]
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
[[Again, Forgive me.]] -- See next post for something on-topic (for a
[1] Erm, yea... Born and raised... but at least I know that "North of the
Mackinac[2] Bridge" ain't Canada... Honestly, I'm not saying that you think
that, but I met *many* folks born & raised in the lower half of Michigan
that didn't know better, and tried telling me such... :-/
[2] And no... Eudora doesn't know the correct spelling for Mackinac, either...
Received on Thu Feb 20 2003 - 23:12:00 GMT
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