Recent Find: Votrax PSS

From: Robert Stek <>
Date: Sat Feb 22 07:43:01 2003

Patrick -

I dug out my Votrax manual (1982), and can give you the voltages:

Pins 1-3, 26 VAC, 180 ma
Pin 2, 20 VDC, 50 ma
Pin 4 is 0 volt reference

Unfortunately I don't have a PS for mine either.

Be careful if you find a PS from the Votrax Type 'N Talk. It also has the 5
pin DIN, but it puts out:

Pins 2-4, 19.8 VDC, .35A
Pins 1-3, 17.0 VAC, 1.0A

I do have a working TNT, and it is cool!

Also, the DIP switch configuration on the PSS: (1 is up, 0 is down)

1-3 baud rate: 000 - 9600
                100 - 4800
                010 - 2400
                110 - 1200
                001 - 600
                101 - 300
                011 - 150
                111 - 75

4 up - xon/xoff for serial port
4 down - rts

5 - unused

6 up - power-up message spoken
6 down - power-up message not spoken

7 up - parallel port used as input port
7 down - serial port used as input port

8 up - self-test - continuously performs diagnostic test - no access to PSS
in this mode
8 down -normal operating condition

Bob Stek
Saver of Lost Sols
Received on Sat Feb 22 2003 - 07:43:01 GMT

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