PDP-11/04 on Ebay - whats wrong with it?

From: Kane, David <David.Kane_at_aph.gov.au>
Date: Mon Feb 24 20:32:00 2003


A PDP-11/04 on ebay

I have to start by stating I am in Australia. Our dollar might have
crept back up to a smidgen over 60 cents US today, but the opening bid
on the PDP will still be considerable, then add international shipping
and ooooooh ouch. But despite all that I am still toying with the idea
of bidding on the item. I do need a little assistance before making a
definitive decision. For those unaware the item was listed before
recently but was passed in unbid. I did not get interested last time
since the description did not list a CPU card, and the seller did not
reply to an enquiry regarding a CPU card. I notice that this time there
is a CPU card listed (M7263). My quandary is over the seller's comment
that the "Unit powers up and reads 0002777" although the pictures have
it reading 000277. My worry is that the unit is severely broken. Can any
take a stab at guessing what might be wrong, is it possibly just the
lack of a boot device (floppy of hard disk)?

David Kane
Received on Mon Feb 24 2003 - 20:32:00 GMT

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