HP1000 F & A700 - pictures

From: Antonio Carlini <arcarlini_at_iee.org>
Date: Tue Feb 25 16:21:00 2003

> Unfortunately, I simply can't afford to buy & transport that,
> otherwise I
> would... I wonder, what /would/ it cost to air-freight a
> complete Univac
> from the US to the UK?...

I know a reseller who relatively recently transported a VAX 9000
to the US for something in the region of $3000. The VAX 9000
weighs more than 400lbs but it probably went via container ship
rather than air-freight.

So it's not *completely* out of this world - assuming you are
a *serious* collector, of course :-)

Antonio Carlini             arcarlini_at_iee.org
Received on Tue Feb 25 2003 - 16:21:00 GMT

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