> ... I wonder, what /would/ it cost to air-freight a complete Univac
> from the US to the UK?...
A king's ransom?
At 09:55 PM 2/25/03 +0000, you wrote:
>At 04:41 25/02/2003, you wrote:
> >On Mon, 24 Feb 2003, Adrian Vickers wrote:
> >
> > > Maybe that's why it won't blinken properly?
> > >
> > > I suppose I'll just have to purchase classic-minicomputers.com &
> > > classic-mainframes.com as well; trouble is, I'll need to collect a load
> > > more of them then - and my shed isn't *that* big - at least, not with all
> > > the racing car gear in there as well :)
> >
> >Get another shed; then we'll call you "Adrian `Two Sheds' Vickers."
>Unfortunately, even my extravagant lifestyle wouldn't stretch to two sheds;
>I do, however, have a rather under-utilised garage; I should be able to fit
>some Vaxen in that, although that nice looking Univac would have to live in
>the shed...
>Unfortunately, I simply can't afford to buy & transport that, otherwise I
>would... I wonder, what /would/ it cost to air-freight a complete Univac
>from the US to the UK?...
>Cheers, Ade.
>Be where it's at, B-Racing!
Received on Tue Feb 25 2003 - 18:44:00 GMT