A & J Microdrive

From: acme_at_ao.net <(acme_at_ao.net)>
Date: Thu Feb 27 17:35:00 2003

From: Robert Borsuk <rborsuk_at_colourfull.com>
Date: 02/27/2003 10:39 AM

> Woohoo,
> Timex guys on the list. I can ask a Timex (sort of ) question now.

Hmmph. I've been on this list for years :>)

> I have an A&J MicroDrive (Stringy Floppy - The next big thing to rule
> the world) that I don't have any information on. I would love to use
> it with my T1000. It was almost complete in the box. Interface, drive,
> cable, even some new stringy floppies still sealed. Does anyone have a
> manual for this thing? I've poked around online but haven't seen too
> much.

Okay, I have the manual and will be gled to scan it and send it to you.

HOWEVER -- there are some things you should know . . .

First, it will never work with a TS1000 -- only a TS2068.
Second, these things came in two versions -- "A" and "B" -- and the different
versions use physically different tapes, so make sure you have the proper
tapes before wasting any time with it.

Third, these things are the most unreliable form a data storage I have ever
encountered (see the classiccmp thread a couple of years back titled "World's
Crappiest Mass Storage Device" or similar name). Typically, the tapes have
a useable lifespan of less than five hours. Then they break. (This is not
due to my having one faulty drive -- I've owned several and seen more and
they ALL suck!). If you do find a tape that lasts, inevitably the media
goes south (no longer readable) and your data goes with it.

The drives are "cute," and nice for a collector to have, but completely

Later --

Received on Thu Feb 27 2003 - 17:35:00 GMT

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