On Thursday, January 2, 2003, at 01:50 AM, Owen Robertson wrote:
>> A friend and I just watched the movie "Seven". I'd seen the movie
>> before, but I hadn't noticed the VAX-11/780 in the background of the
>> computerized fingerprint matching scene. It's obviously not running
>> (no roar in the background) but it was definitely a '780. :-)
> I saw one in an episode of Matlock, being used for a similar purpose. I
> think it was a 780. It was definitely a VAX-11 of some kind.
The 780 is the double-wide refrigerator-looking cabinet.
> Anyway, some FBI guy got slammed up against it.
Oooh, I'll bet that hurt. The FBI guy, that is. ;)
Dave McGuire "She's a cheek pincher. I have scars."
St. Petersburg, FL -Gary Nichols
Received on Thu Jan 02 2003 - 11:24:03 GMT