On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Dwight K. Elvey wrote:
> > >I'm trying to troubleshoot a more pressing problem right now: the reader
> > >is picking 5 cards before the Apple thinks 80 Index Marks (e.g. 80
> > >characters) have been detected. Either my code is wrong, my code is slow,
> > >or the Apple is too slow to handle the reader input (in which case this
> > >was all for naught).
> >
> > It sounds like something is wrong. Are you reading with BASIC
> > or at code level. I would think that assembly code should be able
> > to keep up, as long as you were not expecting it to transfer to
> > disk while reading. Does the M200 have any kind of handshake?
> I'm not so sure. Here's what I know:
> 6502 operates at roughly 1,000,000 cycles per second.
> I wrote a very tight code loop to simply look for the READY signal from
> the reader, and then count Index Marks, as quickly as it can. Here's the
> relevant loop code (the number is parentheses at the end of the comment
> is the number of cycles that instruction takes):
> LDX #$00
> LOOP LDA $C0C1 ; Get the data at 6522 Port A (4)
> AND #$08 ; Bit 4 is the RDY signal input (4)
> BEQ LOOP ; Loop until it goes true (2)
> WAIT LDA $C0C1 ; Now wait until it goes false (4)
> AND #$08 ; (4)
> BEQ WAIT ; (2)
> INX ; Increment the count (2)
> INC $06 ; Increment a zero page location* (6)
> CPX #$50 ; 80 Index Marks yet? (4)
> BNE LOOP ; No? Keeping looping (2)
> * So I can view the resulting value when I reset the computer to break out
> of the loop
> So counting up the cycles to read the index mark, it's 10 to wait for it
> to go true, 10 for it to go false, then 14 to increment a counter and go
> back to the top of the loop.
> The timing diagram of the M200 says that the Index Mark is pulsed for 6
> microseconds. Now, if I'm computing this right, that is already less time
> than it takes for the 6502 to wait for the pulse to fall back to false
> from true. The 6502 takes 10 cycles, or roughly 10 microseconds, assuming
> a cycle is equivalent to a microsecond.
> Further, the timing diagram of the M200 shows that there are 1314
> microseconds of time to read the column data, and 2014 microseconds
> between Index Marks. This should be enough time for the 6502 to read and
> store the data, then loop again.
> This is one fast reader. But too fast for the 6502 me thinks.
Not really if you do one several possible things:
1. Generate an interrupt from the index mark (can the 6522/card do this?)
2. Put a oneshot or flip flop on the index mark signal so its pulse can be
seen by the 6502...
~500 cycles per second is not a problem, the 6 uSec strobe is...
> :(
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics
Received on Thu Jan 02 2003 - 19:28:00 GMT