--- Bryan Pope <bpope_at_wordstock.com> wrote:
> Check out http://**** for pretty much every C64 game made.
Nope... not the ones my company did c. 1983-1985... but we
wrote kiddie software. I've never seen a copy of our stuff on
the 'net. *sniff* I did a web search of some of our titles
once and found my discussion of them on classiccmp and *one*
other reference - in a resume from our head programmer.
We were well regarded in our day (three of Reader's Digest's
top 5 selling titles), but obviously, history paints a different
picture. Not even good enough to steal. :-(
We also supported the BBC Micro and the Apple II (with eventual
support of the PC and PCjr, but those platforms weren't popular
for the home yet).
P.S. - for the curious, the titles were written by Software Productions;
the three biggest names were "Alphabet Beasts and Company", "Micro
Mother Goose" and "Micro Habitats". "Cross Swords" never made it out
of development.
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Received on Wed Jan 08 2003 - 12:17:00 GMT