Myself, I use Cat5e that I have lying around, and
has $0.19 MMJ connectors, and they're one day away from me by UPS ground.
Peace... Sridhar
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 wrote:
> To find DEC MMJ cables, go to
> and look for keywords DEC MMJ.
> You will probably need at male-male MMJ and a female MMJ to DB9/DB25.
> AS with any serial connection, verify pins (on a DB-25) 2-7 and 3-7 (i.e.,
> make sure terminal/PC is transmitting on one line, DEC VAX is transmitting on
> the other). I usually do this with a VOM; transmit will be a strong (5-15
> VDC) signal; receive may be around 0.
> Usually you will get a >>> prompt from VAX firmware. It will accept a help
> command and you can do "show devices", then try "boot dua0:" or some other
> disk device that's listed (they are 99% devices beginning with "d").
> Of course you may get a very first product/CPU ID, then some testing
> messages. You are hoping that it progresses through the self-tests and gets
> you to the >>> firmware prompt. Often >>> will take a "help" command too.
> Often you need to send "delete" and not "backspace." Try 9600/8/N/1 settings.
> Also probe the Compaq, Montagar, and Process sites. With the VMS hobbyist
> program you can get going pretty well these days.
Received on Thu Jan 09 2003 - 12:56:57 GMT