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----- Original Message -----
From: jljor
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 3:16 PM
Subject: Apple Mactinosh Computer
In June, 1984, as a member of the Research Board, a special group sponsored by MSV Consulting out of New York, I was asked by Steven Jobs to participate in Apple's Executive Advisory Program and evaluate the Mactinosh PC. At the time, I was Vice President of Computer Operations and Communication Systems for Union Pacific Railroad.
After completing my evaluation, the Macintosh that I had been evaluating was given to me in appreciation for my participation and contribution to the program. I have a letter dated July 1, 1985, from William V. Campbell, who was Executive Vice President of U.S. sales for Apple, at the time, which verifies that all of this actually transpired.
Obviously, I still have the Macintosh. I think It may be unique because of the manner in which I acquired it and the fact that it doesn't have a serial number on the back. Why, I don't know. I think the units may have been pulled off the assembly line in a hurry to make a "hands on" presentation to the members of the Research Board at a meeting in San Francisco.
Would you or would you know anyone who could give me an estimated value for this Macintosh? I have a full complement of hardware, including a printer and carrying cases. The equipment is in pristine condition, having been used only briefly over 18 years ago.
Any input you may be able to provide will be greatly appreciated.
John L. Jorgensen
1800 North 52nd Street
Omaha, NE 68104
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