Fwd: Apple mouse needed in Belgium

From: Dan Veeneman <dan_at_ekoan.com>
Date: Tue Jan 14 00:23:00 2003

Can anyone in Belgium help this fellow?

>From: "Arthur Odekerken" <admin_at_cchasselt.be>
>To: <dan_at_decodesystems.com>
>Subject: Apple mouse
>Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 23:51:07 +0100
>I am a systems administrator at a cultural center in Belgium. We have 3
>light tables (12 years old) that are steered with a mouse but we only have
>one mouse left. It was very hard for me to find a mouse that worked,
>because it had to be a female DB9 Serial plug, with at least 7 cables
>soldered. Finally I came across the Apple M0100 (Made in the U.S.A. type
>590-0320). At your website I found some pictures of the same mouse. My
>question now is, do you know where I can find such a mouse, because if I
>don't find it, it could cost the centre a lot more money than just the
>price of one mouse.
>Arthur Odekerken
Received on Tue Jan 14 2003 - 00:23:00 GMT

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