One of my beloved Classic Computers is an Atari-ST.
It's only a 520-ST (512k RAM), so in the heyday... I
bought a RAM upgrade to bring it up to 2.5mb of RAM,
with the possibility of 4mb...
I've lost the manual, and also... The upgrade no
longer works at all...
Does anyone have the manual for one of these they can
send me, or point me to someone who will sell me a RAM
upgrade for this unit?
I still have instructions to solder chips to get it to
1mb, but I'd prefer to max it out if I can.
Also, I'm looking for a SCSI adapter for it, as I have
several SCSI drives from 80mb to 1.2gb. I'd like to
put one on here to make it more useful.
I won a Spectre 128 GCR adapter on eBay a few months
ago, so a 4mb (or so) Mac Plus, would be a useful
machine to use for Wordprocessing... Or just for play.
I'm going to TCF this year and hoping to spot a Color
Display for this unit so I can play some of the old
games in Color. I have a composite cable that runs to
my Amiga Monitor, but the display isn't all that
I have some Tandy Color Computer Stuff for trade
(Editor/Assembler for Coco III, Serial to Parallel
Adapter, Disk System & Controller, RS-232 Adapter,
more...), and possibly some other interesting things,
including cash...
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Received on Tue Jan 14 2003 - 17:12:01 GMT