On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On 15 Jan 2003, Guy Sotomayor wrote:
> > This is the boot diagnostics. I *used* to know what the individual
> > numbers were, but alas 1980 was a long time ago.
> Hmm, well maybe I'll come across some manuals. Maybe they're in my
> garage right now.
Well whaddya know? I picked up a box of IBM System/23 manuals from a lady
in the next city over a while back. She unfortunately ditched the machine
but held onto the manuals, then found me and told me to come and get 'em.
I picked them up and stored them away in my garage.
Here's what it says on the Specifications page of one of the manuals I
have--the "IBM System/23 Business Management and Accounting System":
The IBM System/23 Inventory Accounting application is designed to operate
on an IBM System/23 Datamaster system with the following minimum
o 1--5322 Computer, Model 124 (64K, 1mb)
o 1--5241 Printer (any model)
o Diskette Sort Feature (#6300)
So what I have is, in fact, a System/23 Datamaster. Sweet!
So there you have it, Eric ;)
I also have all the software diskettes for this application as well, so I
can play around with them.
I'm guessing that the disks I have that I am trying to read were made on a
System/23. If I'm super lucky, I even have the applications with which
the data on them was created.
The next thing will be to figure out how to export the data from this
machine to a PC.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Thu Jan 16 2003 - 02:06:57 GMT