Update: BBC Acorn

From: Philip Pemberton <philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com>
Date: Fri Jan 17 11:23:01 2003

pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com wrote:
> I finally remembered to check mine. It's 23-ANC13-1000034. All Acorn
> retail product serial numbers of the era are of that form. The 25
> tells where it was made, ANC13 is the product code, the rest is a
> serial number, which always starts at 1000000 for production systems
> or factory prototypes. So my Archimedes 310 is 27-AKB10-1000002, my
> 440 is 27-AKB20-1000614, and my A3000 is 27-AKB01-1000028.
Now that's interesting. My Master 128 carries the serial number
01-AMB15-0053025. Which means I've either got the -946975th machine to be
made by Acorn, their labelling kit malfunctioned, or my M128 is the 53025th
Master 128 to leave Acorn's factory. Ah, well. At least it hasn't got the
serial number 13...

Received on Fri Jan 17 2003 - 11:23:01 GMT

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