Mac SE/30 accessories availability?

From: Jim Strickland <>
Date: Fri Jan 17 15:54:01 2003

I was surfing around for upgrades for my g3 the other day and stumbled
across a company (I think it was Sonnet) that is still making a 68040
upgrade board that, with an adapter, can be plugged into an SE30. If I
didn't need that socket for ethernet, I'd be Soooo tempted. It's
surprising how much 68000 series mac stuff there still is. I would
check out for more info. Oh, and FYI, no
matter what Apple says, if you can track down 8 4meg 32 pin simms
(remember those?) your se30 will happily address 32 megs of RAM.
Booting takes a while while it checks all that memory, of course.

On Friday, January 17, 2003, at 10:48 AM, Adrien Farkas wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm owner of Mac SE/30 (asked regarding broken CRT tube a while ago).
> Can aynone supply me with a list of accessories that can be inserted
> into the slot? didn't help me very much, and the only
> card
> I saw is 10base2/10baseT ethernet. are there any videocards for se/30?
> or some other equip?
> Cheers,
> --
> freddy
> ...for more info 'finger'
Received on Fri Jan 17 2003 - 15:54:01 GMT

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