VXT X terminal question

From: Michael Sokolov <msokolov_at_ivan.Harhan.ORG>
Date: Sat Jan 18 15:41:01 2003

Fred N. van Kempen <Fred.van.Kempen_at_microwalt.nl> wrote:

> > Someone on the PUPS / TUHS list has ported 4.3BSD-Tahoe and / or
> > 4.3BSD-Reno to the VAX4000-7xx. AFAIK he had some porblems with
> > interrupts at autoconfig time, but got it running.
> Heh. This is not too hard, but *only* if he used the machine with
> a KFQSA (DSSI-to-MSCP) controller, rather than the onboard SHAC.
> It'd be a start, though. Michael, was this you?

Not me. My 4.3BSD suffix is Quasijarus, not Tahoe or Reno. But my opinion on
SHAC is radically different from yours. SHAC is a darling beauty. It is a
problem only for cheap OSes like NutBSD and Linsux. Since SHAC is a true CI
host adapter with the true Generic VAX Port (GVP) it is perfectly supported by
the SCA CI port driver present in every proper VAX OS with SCA such as Ultrix.
Although DEC killed VAX Ultrix before MicroVAXen with SHAC came about, source
examination shows that the Ultrix V4.20 CI port driver supports SHAC (on XMI).
Some day I will lift the SCA code wholesale from Ultrix and plop it into

Received on Sat Jan 18 2003 - 15:41:01 GMT

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