What's better than canned air?

From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Tue Jan 21 12:51:00 2003

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Ron Hudson wrote:
> > Other options:
> > - Shop-Vac in reverse operation, fitted with custom cable?
> Beware static!!!

LOW pressure, high volume

> > - Compressor? (I don't know much about these).
> Compressors can add very small ammounts of oil to the air, thus SCUBA
> divers fill don't
> fill their tanks at the local gas station but instead us special
> compressors.

gas stations also don't have >1000 PSI.

just how much oil would it take to be a problem for electronics?

> > - Better, cheaper canned air (does it exist)?

scuba tanks are more than 10 times the pressure usable for air
nozzles. But if you tap off of the primary regulator, you can get a
little over 100 PSI, which works nicely for nozzles.

You can get cheap air tanks for use at about 100 PSI, including crappy
kits from JCWitless for converting freon bottles into air tanks.

For the low pressure uses that wouldbe appropriate, you couldeven use a

> > - Dust-removing nano-bots? (jk)

expensive, hard to find when you need one, and off-topic for this list.
Received on Tue Jan 21 2003 - 12:51:00 GMT

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