--- lemay_at_cs.umn.edu wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone on the list have any PDP-11 papertape? I don't mind
> > image files of the data - I have punches and blank tape.
> >
> > -ethan
> No, but if anyone is feeling particularily insane or rich, I'll sell
> a Heathkit H10 paper tape system for $1000 ;) I dont have anything I
> can use it with.
> -Lawrence LeMay
Sorry... not that rich. Got the H-11 with H-27. Would _like_ an H-10.
In its place, I was considering using this PRS04 I got with an 11/34...
it's a "portable" (has a handle and everything) paper tape reader
that had a small niche to fill... when diags still came on paper tape,
but people had VT52s as consoles, not TTYs. It plugs into the wall for
110VAC to run the motor and electronics, and has a male and female
Mate-and-Lock connector to wedge into the console current loop... kind
of an add-on reader accessory. ISTR it expects 2400 bps.
I was expecting to use some flavor of DL11 and a VT220 or VT52 (I have
both EIA and 20mA interface cards for the VT52) with the H-11 if I
ended up resorting to paper tape. Alternatively, with bigger boxes,
I have a PC05 and Unibus interface.
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Received on Wed Jan 22 2003 - 01:17:00 GMT