Quoting Philip Pemberton <philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com>:
> Hi all,
> I've just downloaded three assemblers from the ROM archive at
> http://bbc.nvg.org . Catch is, none of them include manuals. I've got copies
> of:
> VASM65 v2.0E by Vida Rebus
> ASM 1.10 by SYSTEM (claims to be the "ASM 6502 Macro assembler V1.10",
> "Copyright (C) 1984 SYSTEM"). Contains text strings like "Press play", so
> may be a tape->ROM conversion.
> ROMAS 3.02 by TBK Associates (full copyright string = "ROMAS 3.02
> (C)1985 TBK Associates - S.C."
Silly question; why don't you use the assembler built into BBC Micro BASIC? I
used this for years for many serious programs and never had a problem... (I
should be able to remember how to use it still!)
Received on Wed Jan 22 2003 - 12:31:37 GMT