--- Andreas Freiherr <Andreas.Freiherr_at_Vishay.com> wrote:
> I have a couple of pounds of paper tapes, but no reader. Some of the
> tapes (DECish blue) may be -11 diagnostics or other software and may
> even be labelled in human-readable form, some are just samples to show
> to somebody who just asked "huh, what, papertape?".
> Also, some RK05 platters assumed to contain diags (XXDP+, IIRC), but no
> drives any more. Shouldn't have given them away, really! :-(
> Are you looking for anything in particular?
Well... I do have some older Unibus gear including an RK11C and no
diagnostics. Not soon, but eventually I'd like to take a stab at
reconstructing this 11/20 I got 18 years ago, one part at a time
from the dumpster (the hardware mgr threw it away over the course
of several weeks, stripping it to get the power supplies which I
eventually got). It needs some *serious* TLC. The cards are all
intact, but not all of the core made its way into my hands. :-(
I think I have 4 planes out of 6 or 7. One might be in the Boston
area with an ex-coworker. Not sure about a couple more.
So... anything related to the 11/20 or 11/05 would be great. I also
have at least one 11/04 and several 11/34s if stuff still came on tape
then. I don't have many peripherals that old - PC05, RK05 (not RK03)
LP11... that's about it.
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Received on Wed Jan 22 2003 - 15:29:00 GMT