I thought I'd never hear that company's name again. I've been looking
feverishly, for about 3 years, for a copy of Spectrum Holobyte's "Blockout!"
The base game is a series of walls the player needs to take down by grouping
3 or more like blocks or symbols. It also contains bombs, missiles, and
other cute destructive devices. It was a simple game, made to run in DOS,
and I'd (or my wife would!) just about die for a copy of it. Ours died when
my DOS-based BBS fried back in '97...
Ed Tillman
Store Automation Tech Support Specialist
Valero Energy Corporation
San Antonio, TX; USA
Phone (210) 592-3110, Fax (210) 592-2048
edward.tillman_at_valero.com <mailto:edward.tillman_at_valero.com>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk-admin_at_classiccmp.org_at_PEUSA On Behalf Of David
> Holland <dholland_at_woh.rr.com>
> Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 9:33 AM
> To: Classic Computer Talk
> Subject: Re: Spectrum Holobyte Tetris
> Now, I don't have a copy of Spectrum Holobyte's Tetris lying around
> here, but I don't recall hearing any mention of it having noteworthy
> contents.
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