Andreas Freiherr wrote:
> What about another famous series: "Leisure Suit Larry"...?
If you want adult games the japanese have been doing them
for years. Some now you can get even in ENGLISH in AMERICA. :)
The only reason they can release King Quest is because
they are writing the game from scratch, doing their
own art work and game codeing. While it would be nice
to have the old DOS games revised, the copywrites are
still in effect even if the company making them are long gone.
The best thing to is keep the old games on new media
archived for now, and the old machines running.
Also a gray area is game engines for the newer machines
to run old Serria games like king quest if you have
orginal game data, for example :
PS.A link for space quest and other games.
Received on Mon Jan 27 2003 - 12:44:01 GMT