Pinout for HP 2629b terminal?

From: James Willing <>
Date: Tue Jan 28 12:52:00 2003

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Frank McConnell wrote:

> > Hmmm... htis one is not color, but there are a number of odd 'arrow' keys
> > on the keyboard that might suggest scanning about a larger than displayed
> > buffer...
> One of these would probably have arrow keys for moving the cursor, in
> the block up top with the function keys: arrows pointing up, down,
> left, right, and up/left meaning "top of buffer". These move the
> cursor on the screen. Shift modifies them: I think up, down, left,
> and right become "scroll thataway" where the cursor stays put and the
> window into the buffer moves; and shift+up/left is "bottom of buffer".

Well... eight 'arrow' keys (I think, I'm not in front of it at the
moment) with the 'usual' up, down, left, right... then diagonal (???)
keys, and some have the legend 'roll' on them as well...

> There would also be "NEXT PAGE" and "PREV PAGE" keys that let you
> page through the buffer.

Hmmm... I'll look, but don't reall these...

> If it's a graphics terminal (and has its original keyboard), the
> numeric pad off to the right has additional legends for its
> manipulations of the graphics cursor.

I think it has its proper keyboard, but it has no numeric pad. Did note
an alternate numeric set in the alpha keys similar to some keypunch

> > Any enlightenment you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
> I tried trawling my inventory database for the manual, but no luck.
> But I'll keep my eyes open as I dig through boxes.


The Computer Garage -
Received on Tue Jan 28 2003 - 12:52:00 GMT

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