Remarkable. We used to have a Crown Coach which used starnge fastenings
on the bright metal siding. I suspect they were System Zero fasteners.
The Crown was just about the only place I ever saw them. A pity they are
gone now, thanks in part to General Electric's cupidity. They were known
as the Rolls-Royce of Motor Coaches.
On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Tony Duell wrote:
> > Thank you for the answer,
> > I have that set and unfortunately there is no bit that fits those weird
> > screws. It looks like a hex nut driver would work on those star shaped
> > screws but I can't find my set at the moment.
> > I'm still looking for the proper tool though
> There are 2 sorts of 'raised round screwheads with notches round the
> edge'. The common one is the 'inverse Torx' -- it's exactly the same as
> Torx, but the screwhead is male and it fits into a ring spanner (box end
> wrench?) or socket.
> The uncommon one is 'System Zero'. The notches are smaller, the head is
> more rounded and has sloping sides so you can't (easily) grab it with
> pliers. I've seen these used in UK computer equipment -- one of my EPROM
> programmers is assembled with them (for what reason %deity only knows).
> In the UK, RS/Electromail sell the System Zero tools should you ever need
> them (both as 'insert bits' for 1/4" hex drivers and as complete tools
> with handles).
> -tony
M. K. Peirce
Rhode Island Computer Museum, Inc.
Shady Lea, Rhode Island
"Casta est quam nemo rogavit."
- Ovid
Received on Wed Jan 29 2003 - 13:53:01 GMT
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