TEXT (WAS: Re: OT: Location and GPS

From: Stuart Johnson <ssj152_at_charter.net>
Date: Thu Jan 30 17:14:00 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: TEXT (WAS: Re: OT: Location and GPS

> > That actually sounds like an intresting project.
> > A program that will read in a text file, and create a PDF
> > file containing a series of card images.
> >
> > Getting that faded-ribbon look for the text at the top of the cards
> > would probably be the hardest part.
> ribbon?? text??
> why should the cards be "INTERPRETED"?
> Can't y'all read Hollerith?

Back in the days when I punched cards, running them back though and having
the text printed across the top was called "verifying" them, as best as I
remember (Sperry - Univac computer), hence the info in my previous post. No,
never learned to sight-read Hollerith. Hated punched cards - swore I'd never
have anything to do with computes after college Fortran; famous last words -
I became a professional programmer in 1978 and worked until retirement in
1999. "So, Stuart, how DOES crow taste?" I loved playing / working with
computers as soon as terminals were available to me.

The only use I ever had for punched cards was to fold one double and clean
under my fingernails with it...

Stuart Johnson
Received on Thu Jan 30 2003 - 17:14:00 GMT

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