>From: Jim Battle <frustum_at_pacbell.net>
>Subject: Re: APF Imagination Machine
>kurtk7_at_visi.com wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have contributed to the lists on occasion, but now I have a special favor. I
>> don't expect a response given the system, but you never know. Hope springs
>> eternal. On a regular basis there are requests for this system or that. For
>> reasons from simple curiousity to treasured memories of youth. Mine is the
>> latter. The first computer I ever saw, way back when in my younger days, on
>> the East coast, was the APF Imagination Machine ...
>At least you have the pleasure of having driven up the price for the guy
>who won it.
>They don't show up very often on ebay (not the computer part) and
>certainly the one that just sold was the most complete such system I've
Most certainly. I wish I would have had the money to bid on that my self.
Usually when they are up there it's just the Imagination Machine component
without the MP1000 or M1000 (MP is the seperately sold game console, M is
the bundled version, as far as I know they are identical).
>In my own limited experience, you can probably get the system you want,
>but the highest leverage way I've found takes these two things:
> 1) put up a web page dedicated to the machine. a good one.
> one that shows you are serious about it and one that supplies
> a lot of interesting information. one that other people will
> find first when they do a web search. some day one of those
> people searching will be an owner of such a machine and
> they'll contact you.
Speaking of which:
The galleries aren't finished yet, but you should get a general idea.
The site isn't released publicly yet so please don't link to it publicly.
It's part of my site re-design (www.classicgaming.com/gamingmuseum).
> 2) patience. lots of it. I'm sure right now that feeling of
> needing to own one is overwhelming since you just got so
> close, but you must also realize that you spent the previous
> 20 years in bliss after having forgotten about the machine.
>It may take two or three years, but it does happen. The bees do
>eventually find the flowers.
>You can also go out and beat the bushes, do frequent google searches
>looking for other owners or people who mentioned owning one in an old
>usenet posting, haunt every goodwill/salvation army, hit lots of yard
>sales, etc, etc. The best approach is to do all of the above.
Sly DC is a big collector of the Imagination, you might try visiting his
homepage and contacting him:
Received on Tue Jul 01 2003 - 13:20:01 BST