Boot original Mac from an external floppy?

From: chris <>
Date: Mon Jul 7 15:06:00 2003

>Cool. So can I assume that if there is no disk in the internal drive, but
>an external drive with bootable disk is attached, the Mac will find that
>and boot from there?


IIRC, the boot order is internal floppy, external floppy, internal SCSI,
external SCSI.

It *might* go internal floppy, internal SCSI, THEN external floppy,
external SCSI. I know there are key combos you can hold down to get it to
skip the internal SCSI which is why I'm thinking that might come before
external floppys. It has been a LONG time since I have had to deal with
external floppies (my only normal use external drive was a 400k drive, so
the last time I seriously used one and would have had to boot from it was
probably 1988 or so)

Received on Mon Jul 07 2003 - 15:06:00 BST

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