OT: Realtek

From: Mark Firestone <nedry_at_mail.bedlambells.com>
Date: Wed Jul 9 08:46:00 2003

Very true. I must have installed a hundred of them, and I think I had two
go bad. The folks who were using them would never have noticed the
difference -- all they were doing was sharing a few word documents, and
downloading rafts of pornography on company time...

What is Syndicate Wars? Sounds familiar? Sounds interesting...

Take Care,


At 12:44 08/07/2003 -0400, Jason McBrien wrote:

>As for their technical merits, I'm sure they suck real bad performance-wise,
>but who cares when all I want is a fast way to get Syndicate Wars on my P-90
>DR-DOS machine? :)

"Homer, we don't have to have sex."
"Yes we do, the cookie told me so."
"Deserts aren't always right Homer."
"But they're so delicious."

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Received on Wed Jul 09 2003 - 08:46:00 BST

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