Old Word Processors and Now

From: Murray McCullough <cmurray_at_eagle.ca>
Date: Mon Jul 14 16:47:00 2003

Well Mark, I'm still teaching word processing and the short cuts are CTRL-S and CTRL-L and
I mention it most every day. I can remember using an Applewiter-clone and the formatting commands
haven't chnaged. Why do away with things that work and make sense even if students forget them!!!
I try not to scream though. Not good for a teacher.


> Message: 9
> Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:00:20 +0100
> To: cctech_at_classiccmp.org
> From: Mark Firestone <nedry_at_mail.bedlambells.com>
> Subject: Re: Old Word Processors
> Reply-To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> I can still remember screaming at my father (I must have been 13 at time
> time) "it's CTRL-S to save, and CTRL-L to load. How could they make it
> simpler for you?" when he was trying to use Applewriter //e, a very nice,
> full featured, non-WYSIWYG word processor. Good old . formatting commands.
Received on Mon Jul 14 2003 - 16:47:00 BST

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