1970's digitizer tablets

From: jpdavis <jpdavis_at_gorge.net>
Date: Tue Jul 15 06:29:01 2003

Fred Cisin wrote:

>On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Feldman, Robert wrote:
>>There were plans published in BYTE (IIRC) for just such a digitizer. I
>>don't remember the issue, but the time frome would have been early
>That's why I say:
>>it was so obvious that MANY people must have done so)
>The patentable "invention" would not be the overall concept, but merely
>what methods were chosen to implement it. For example, Mimio with
>transmitters in marking pen holders, and a receiver that suction cupped to
>a white board.
Didn't that use a bar-code style scanning system where the pen color was
coded on the side of the pen? A combination of angular measurment
for position and reflectance for pen type.
Jim Davis
Received on Tue Jul 15 2003 - 06:29:01 BST

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