HP Integral

From: Vassilis Prevelakis <vp_at_mcs.drexel.edu>
Date: Thu Jul 17 03:25:01 2003

In cctalk digest, Vol 1 #684 ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell) wrote:

> I asusem that ROM daugtherboards are impossible to obtain, but has anyone
> dumped the ROMS from one?
> Any ideas if it's ever possible to find the GPIO and serial interface
> cards for these machines?
> Any software out there on the net for it? I have the normal HP disk set
> (System disk, HP-UX commands (2 disks), Utilities, Diagnostics, Tutor,
> and NP Technical BASIC).
> Anything else I should know about it?

Check Pete Johnson's website dedicated to the IPC

He has practically *all* the software for this machine. The only
bad ting I can say for the site is that the HPUX utilities work
only on big-endian machines. I have written a converter tool
(HPUX filesystem image to tar [1]) that is hopefully platform
independent, and I will send it to him after I have tried it a bit
to make sure that it is mostly bug free.

[1] so you use it like hpux2tar image-file | tar tvf -


I think that the daughterboards have standard parts so it should be
possible to create replacements. I have the BASIC sub-daughterboard so
I can send you a dump of the BASIC ROMs if I can find where they are
mapped into the 68K address space.

I have used the IPC to access HP-IL peripherals via the HP-IB port
(using the 82169A HP-IL/HP-IB Interface), and I think it would be
trivial to write a short program to talk with computers over the HP-IL
via the HP-IL serial interface.

There is also a built-in HP-IL interface (to talk to the built-in
ThinkJet), but it is directly connected to the ThinkJet without the
transformers and (anyway) I have not found a way to address the
ThinkJet using IL addressing (rather than the /dev/internal interface).

Received on Thu Jul 17 2003 - 03:25:01 BST

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