IBM POWERstation 220 serial terminal

From: <(>
Date: Thu Jul 17 15:41:00 2003

On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 wrote:

> I have recieved an old IBM Model 7011-220. There is very little
> documentation, and IBM has no clue...
> I have no video adapter or monitor, can someone tell me the type
> (guessing Sun 13W3...)

Nope. IBM 13w3. Completely different.

> Also, can someone provide instructions on how to use this with the Linux
> term. program Minicom?

If you look up how to use the DOS program Telix, you will likely know how
to use Minicom. They're quite similar. Unless I'm thinking of a
different program.

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Thu Jul 17 2003 - 15:41:00 BST

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