Future uncollectable computers...

From: Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu Jul 17 18:37:48 2003

> Hopefully this isn't too off-topic, but a thought just occured to me
> about computers that some may, or may not, want to collect in the
> future, which aren't classics yet. It seems that many of the newer

It does worry me that there's not a single microcomputer system made
today that I actually want to own....

> computers have been designed with uncollectability, as well as a high
> degree of user-annoyance, in mind. Somehow, either some marketing
> idiots, or clueless enginers, got the idea to design computer
> equipment that's unstackable due to its rounded-off shape... the iMacs

This is a problem, albeit a minor one (you can always fit shelves, etc
round the stupidly-shaped machines so as to put other things on top). I
do wonder, actually, if the shape is designed to prevent the user from
stacking stuff on top of the machine and blocking the cooling vents, etc.

More of a problem is that modern machines are plain unrepairable. Spares
are unavailable even now (when the machine is in production -- you try
getting an ASIC for an Imac or similar...), so %deity knows what it'll be
like in 10 years time. Technical manuals don't exist. The chances of
being able to keep these machines running is minimal :-(

Received on Thu Jul 17 2003 - 18:37:48 BST

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