Commodore CBM/PET in Terminator 3

From: Joe <>
Date: Sun Jul 20 15:42:00 2003

At 11:05 AM 7/20/03 -0700, you wrote:
>On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Mark Firestone wrote:
>> I'm sure they'd have that poor computer in bits, (heh, pun intended) and
>> still wouldn't let me on the plane with it. I wonder if I could get away
>> with checked baggage... I tried that with a big clock in a duffel bag at
>> Manchester (UK) airport, years ago. I got all my bags emptied in front of
>> me for the trouble.
>I brought a rather large East German computer from Germany to the US in
>November of 2001. I got pulled aside in the UK just before boarding my
>transfer flight to answer questions about it. I had to open the boxes
>and show the security personnel what was inside. I explained who I was
>and what I did, and after looking for a bit they must've concluded I
>wasn't a terrorist and sent me on my way.
>(At least they held the plane for me :)

   I visited Kansas last year and meet up with Gary Hildebrand and he
showed me some of the local computer sources. In Topeka I found a black
Bell&Howell Apple II at a scrap place. I bought it and brought it home with
me. At the KC airport they inspected my bags and the Apple II. They wanted
to send me over to a maintenance area to have them disassemble the computer
so that they could inspect it. Luckily the cover just pops off the Apple II
so I was able to open it up and show them that there was nothing inside. I
guess they haven't discovered X-ray machines in KC yet!

Received on Sun Jul 20 2003 - 15:42:00 BST

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