scanning booklets for archive

From: chris <>
Date: Tue Jul 22 10:51:00 2003

I finally have a scanning system setup here for archiving documents.

Does anyone have a good idea of how to deal with booklets? That is, items
that are printed on 8.5x11 paper, then folded over and stapled. RIght
now, I have been opening the booklet to the center, removing the
paperclip, then cutting the booklet in half down the spine, and scanning
the first half as double sided then the 2nd half as double sided in order
to keep the pages in order. (obviously I'm concerned with multipage

This is fine, for things that are headed to the trash after scanning, but
for things I might want to hang on to, I don't really want to cut the
booklet in half.

Is there any recommendations on how best to keep the pages in order? What
do others do? Or does everyone either leave them in printed bound order
for later reprinting (which means in the wrong order for reading in a
PDF, booklet printed order for a 12 page booklet would be 1/12, 2/11,
3/10 and so on) or do things the hard manual way by scanning to image,
and cutting the image up into the right parts before going to PDF (right
now I am doing things the lazy way and scanning directly into Acrobat so
I'm never touching the raw image).


Received on Tue Jul 22 2003 - 10:51:00 BST

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