Varian Data Machines

From: Andreas Holz <>
Date: Wed Jul 23 03:51:00 2003

Al Kossow wrote:

>I got a Varian(Univac) Data Machines 620L100 in very good conditions
>including a fixed-head disk, a teletype and a Tektronix storage display.
>This machines is dated to 1974.
>Is it an ADAPTS system (is there an A/D panel just below the CPU) ?
>I have one. It is very likely that there is a lab oriented BASIC
>(possibly still in core!)
>If there is any way to save the contents of memory before you fiddle
>with trying programs, it would be a GOOD THING. I haven't touched
>my machine because I don't want to destroy what may be the only copy
>of that program.
>I would also suggest not spinning up the disc right away.
>I assume you aren't getting any documentation or external software
>with it?

it was a system connected to a mass-spectometer, so it might be, that
something like this "lab orientated basic" might be still in core.

There is no A/D panel just below the CPU. If you are interested, I could
make some images.

I got a lot of manuals and schematics - I'll prepare a list. Since my
brother got a powerful scanner at work, he might be able to scan the
documents, which are not at your site already.

Which steps in powering on the machine you would suggest?

Received on Wed Jul 23 2003 - 03:51:00 BST

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