FF: Compaq SLT/286 and Acorn manuals (Cambridge, UK)

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Mon Jul 28 11:23:00 2003


1) I just found the Operations Guide and MSDOS 3 manual for a Compaq SLT/286
laptop up in the loft. The machine itself is No Longer With Us, so if anyone
wants them they're welcome to them. The programs floppy is still there, and I
believe I saw the diagnostics floppy floating around recently.

2) I have a few spare bits of Acorn documentation which could do with a home:
     Four copies of the Acornsoft View guide
     Two copies of the Econet level 2/3 fileserver user guide
     Acorn 3020 welcome guide
     Acorn 3020 welcome / user / apps guides (shrinkwrapped)
     Archimedes Smalltalk-80 manual

Collect from just north of Cambridge (UK :)



Backward conditioning: putting saliva in a dog's mouth in an attempt to make a bell ring.

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Received on Mon Jul 28 2003 - 11:23:00 BST

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