Simplest (practical) file system?

From: Patrick Rigney <>
Date: Mon Jul 28 13:05:00 2003

> Your lack of understanding dates you, kid-o, say hi to MSVC++ and VBASIC
> Jim Davis

Jim, I hope you weren't addressing me. I've got 25 years behind me as a
professional software engineer, more as a hobbyist, with a lot yet to learn,
eagerly, which is why I'm here. I've seen junior guys fresh out of school
rip an established design to pieces, and the most senior engineering fellow
send an entire project permanently down a hole by missing simple details.
The two biggest lessons I've learned are (1) keep an open mind, because the
moment you think you know everything is the moment someone comes along and
hands you your ar**, and (2) everyone, regardless of experience, has
something to offer and you can learn from it. Hopefully that comment wasn't
the best you've got.

Regardless of who you were addressing, if you DO have something material to
offer, please explain it, because I'd really like to know and hear your
ideas. But if you're just going to sit out there and take pot-shots, I for
one won't give you credit for knowing jack. --Patrick
Received on Mon Jul 28 2003 - 13:05:00 BST

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