On 2003.07.30 00:24 Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> However... it just ocurred to me that even though I did that, I
> still have some sort of a "connection" through the main power
> lines (3x 500VAC _at_ 48A/ea) here, so, if an old 11/23 in a BA23
> goes smokey on me, it still could kill my (quite expensive)
> production network stuff through the power system.
If you have a feed with 48 A breaker and then the power is split up to
several segments with 20 A breakers, the 20 A breaker will shut off
first if there is a failure. It is guaranteed that the smaler breaker
will break first if there are two breakers in series and the shut off
value of the biger breaker is at least 1.6 times bigger then the smaler
breaker. At least in Germany.
I don't think that you can damage an other machine via the power feed.
You would have to pump a lot of power with a high voltage backward into
the power feed to cause damage on other machines.
Data lines like Ethernet, serial cables, ... are much more sensitive.
But as you wrote you have a 10BaseFL link, hence perfect galvanic
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Received on Wed Jul 30 2003 - 04:52:00 BST