On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 07:49, Hans Pufal wrote:
> We did some tinkering with our IBM 5100 the other day with results which
> might be of interest.
> That statemnet surprised me and I wanted to confirm it. Early
> indication show that the two machines are remarkably alike in
> performance (another suprise) the following program runs in the same
> time (to the second) on both machines :
> 10 a = 0
> 20 print a, a*a, sqr(a)
> 30 a = a + 1
> 40 if a < 100 goto 20
> 50 stop
> The 5100 seems about 30% faster on though with the following program:
> 10 a = 0
> 20 b = a*a
> 25 c = sqr(a)
> 30 a = a + 1
> 40 if a < 100 goto 20
> 50 stop
> So it seems it is the display which slows it down.
Before you jump to that conclusion, remember that "print" does a fair
amount of processing to put the numbers into EBCDIC (for the IBM anyway
-- but ASCII would be similar) as you are dealing with "floating point"
(it also does *some* column formatting as indicated by "," as opposed to
TTFN - Guy
Received on Thu Jul 31 2003 - 21:27:00 BST