reforming PS caps w/primary-side components

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Tue Jun 3 10:52:00 2003

--- Mike van Bokhoven <> wrote:
> ...generally I find that on that sort of gear, the only caps that
> suffer catastrophic failure are those filter caps, and they do no damage
> and are easy to replace. So my filter cap troubleshooting procedure has
> degraded to 'plug it in, if the caps go bang, they're bad and need to be
> replaced'.

I had an SMT filter cap blow in a 200MB SCSI drive... it was surprisingly
loud. I powered on the PC, heard the PSU click, then, before I could shut
it off... *BANG*. The machine proceded to power up as if everything was
normal, including the cloud of smoke hanging over it.

Received on Tue Jun 03 2003 - 10:52:00 BST

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