Go to David Gesswein's site
and look under "Teletype", download the "Print Sets which have
full schematics of your 33, and all will be revealed!
As you have discovered, parts of the TTY power supply are on all
the time even if the line/local switch is off...
Mine runs quite hot too, and over the years has discolored the
board beneath it to a well-done dark brown.
On Tue, 03 Jun 2003 12:00:01 -0500, you wrote:
>This res. gets hot even when switched off, but just in the socket.
> ____________
> | |
> | (14 O ) | <- large resistor
> | |
> | (220ko)| <\
> | (300ko)| |
> | | |- not sure
> | etc (vr) | |
> | | </
> | _ |
> |||||| ||||||
Received on Tue Jun 03 2003 - 16:45:00 BST