someone should rescue these

From: chris <>
Date: Thu Jun 5 11:39:00 2003

>No, I don't have anything to do with this except that I hate to think what
>will happen to them if no one picks them up. I would love to have them, but
>NJ isn't in my neck of the woods. If someone was willing to pick them up
>for me and store them until I could drive out, that would be great!

These are actually just about next door to me. However, I don't have much
in the way of storage space left. When would you be looking at picking
them up?

I'm also curious if I know the seller. I have a friend who's company (in
Mahwah) just merged with another and has been unloading a ton of PC
equipment (mostly free). Of course, that doesn't mean much, as Mahwah
where these are, is home to a number of large industrial campuses and
they could be from any one of them.

Received on Thu Jun 05 2003 - 11:39:00 BST

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