Unknown Apple 2 cards

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu Jun 5 16:23:00 2003

>> I came across a whole boxful of Apple II cards at the weekend that I'd
>> forgotten I actually owned.
> Things get buried way to easily in this "Hobby",

yes they do - I've been moving around too much the last few years so pretty
much everything's been in storage. Hopefully all of my Sinclair and Acorn stuff
should be going on loan to a local technology museum at some point for display
- I hate the way everything's shut away in a room at the moment (er, actually
rooms, loft and with the bigger stuff in the garage :-)

> I was never really much of an apple user, came by my collection by
> fluike and just kept adding to it.

nor me. I was given an Apple /// with a couple of ProFile hard drives a few
years back and it started from there - I'm not sure what strange cards are
lurking in the machines themselves at present.

If anyone comes up with anything interesting on these boards I'll let you know;
I've posted the same questions to comp.sys.apple2 but I'm not sure how active
the group is these days.

As far as the Z80 card goes a quick search of the 'net revealed a lot of 'Z80
card' boards but not 'Z80 card II' boards. I have no idea if the different name
is significant or not yet :)


Received on Thu Jun 05 2003 - 16:23:00 BST

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