Sig-Net disk reading

From: Fred Cisin <>
Date: Thu Jun 5 16:50:01 2003

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Gareth Knight wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm having trouble converting some Sig-Net
> ( SD/DS 5.25

As is stated on that page, Shelton had three formats: "200K, 400K, and
800K". NONE of those are "SD/DS".
The 200K is SSDD 48TPI
the 400K is DSDD 48TPI
the 800K is DSDD 96TPI (sometimes called "quad density" by the marketing

If they ever had an "SD/DS" format, it is not mentioned there.

Do you know what you have?

> disks to a DOS format. I've tested some of the instructions on
> (22Disk, PCW Explorer, etc.)
> with little success.
> Can anyone provide other suggestions for likely DOS apps to try?

22Disk should be able to read them if you define the format correctly,
since XenoCopy has no problems with the 200K, 400K and 800K.

Fred Cisin            
Received on Thu Jun 05 2003 - 16:50:01 BST

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