HP 2860 Dual bay rack with smoked plexiglass doors
HP 2100A cpu w/24K (includes 12920/21 mux set with an extra control board
for control lines on all ports, unknown board - HP DATA 12604-60001, three
grd tru boards, terminator, mark reader interface, 8 bit duplex register,
trans sync modem, recv sync modem, and I/O extender intf)
HP 2155A I/O extender (includes buffd tty register, 13037 interface,
terminator, and line printer interface)
HP 2100S cpu w/32K (includes 7970 tape controller bds 1&2, TBG, priv. int,
and jumper)
HP 7970B mag tape drive (800 bpi)
HP 2748B paper tape reader
HP 2610A drum Line Printer
HP 7261A optical mark card reader
Teletype model 35
LOADS of docs and paper tapes. Many of which I have not seen before and are
new to me at least. Most of this stuff is in perfect condition, a few items
are in "fair to good" condition. Most of the paper tape library seems at
first blush to be RJE centric, some DB/Image, RTE, and DOS stuff seems to be
there as well. 12 binders of docs for pretty much everything, hardware &
software. I put up some pictures of the stuff while it was all in the
garage/basement at
Also got the wayward 30062 terminal controller multiplexer connector panel
that I have been looking for. Yay!
An oddball (to me) item was in there.... a 98041A disc interface. This
appears to let an hp 98xx? calculator hook up to large HP disc drives?
Time to take a week off work perhaps and clean & test & play :)
Jay West
Received on Sat Jun 07 2003 - 19:07:00 BST