goin to CA soon, to be a CC tychoon

From: Jim Davis <jpdavis_at_gorge.net>
Date: Sun Jun 8 02:07:01 2003

Wayne M. Smith wrote:
Unfortunatly, frys ( at least in oregon ) hasn't restocked their
component inventory in quiite a while.
The component / test instrument section consists of 2 small isles of
dusty, yellowing bags of dips,
leaded discretes and obsolete, overpriced scopes and dmms. It appears
that fry's original
component market has disappeared and been replaced with PC-centric junk
and consumer toys.

>Fry's is definitely a mixed blessing. A great store to buy that hard to
>find connector or IC, but not necessarily to buy current PC stuff. If
>you are careful, you shouldn't have many problems. I have made perhaps
>150 purchases there and only had one problem with some SDRAM. And so
>what if they don't have the "legal" right to inspect your bag at the
>door, if it deters shoplifting (a cost that all of us bear) then it's
>worth the few seconds wait.
Received on Sun Jun 08 2003 - 02:07:01 BST

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