goin to CA soon, to be a CC tychoon

From: Jim Davis <jpdavis_at_gorge.net>
Date: Sun Jun 8 03:45:01 2003

Jim Davis wrote:

> Mail List wrote:
>> > for the $19 CDR/W drives and $99 19" monitors
>> Holy cow, those seem like very low prices. Is the quality
>> of the products very good? I hope you don't have to get
>> another one every year because they only last for a year?
> I have had CDR/W drives survive less then a year, beware. And not only
> from frys
> Worst screw? PC HEIDEN
Sorry, Getting totally OT here, PC HEIDENS was considered the "SOUP
NAZI" of the reseller
world. Found their way to bankrupcy last year.. Har Har. NO CHIPS FOR
YOU! What Frys
does for the socialist/1984 idea of retail, PC Heidens wildly redefined
the idea that the customer
comes first. Never had a problem taking back stuff to frys ( not without
a day long wait in line ).
PC Heiden accused you of breaking it, if they took if back would keep
it for months and then
deny it was broken, and accuse you of fraud, cuss, never refund, bla bla
bla. Amazing.
Received on Sun Jun 08 2003 - 03:45:01 BST

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